Monday, January 26, 2009

Oblivious Much?

Driving this morning I was listening to NPR's Morning Edition which made me laugh, but not in a good way. They had this whole report about European leaders not knowing how to handle the Obama presidency, since they "voted" for Obama. First of all, which European leader actually voted for Obama? It what parallel universe does the reporter live to actually use the word "voted" in explaining the European leaders reaction to Obama? They might have supported his candidacy, but the American people decide who is the President not Europeans or their leaders.
It went on to say that because of the last administration the European countries have looked inward, "focusing on national interest" and now they fear they must do the bidding of Obama like sending more troops to Afghanistan or fear the wrath of their constituents who are in love with Obama. So you see, when Obama asks for more troops, it is very different than Bush asking for more troops. The difference is that unilateral versus unilateral or something, even though the war in Afghanistan was supposedly a multilateral effort? Also, isn't the governement supposed to focus on "national interest," isn't that why they are elected for?
The story then went on to say how European governments have diverged from the Bush administration by blocking Ukrainian and Georgian membership in NATO - wanting to align itself with Russia. Unlike the Bush position of cutting off Russia to make it weaker, the Europeans want to deal with Russian on their own turns. To put it in the most basic terms Russia is the Devil and if this policy comes to bite them in the ass, I wonder who they will turn to? I think it's starts with A and ends in merica. Case and point the next story that followed was about how Kremlin's critics have been assassinated in the last ten years - reporters and attorney's trying to shed light on Kremlin have been killed and surprisingly most cases have not been solved.
Hmmmm, it's really a great mystery who is behind these killings./sarcasm
The European leaders are incredibly oblivious, they can stand up to Russia or they can be drooling sycophants empowering Russia's lust for power. I guess it's easier to be meek and bluster at America with empty rhetoric, until of course they will need our help. So yeah I laughed, but it wasn't funny.

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