Wednesday, July 14, 2004

A Resolution!

I promise to blog more than once a week...i've been meaning to blog but have found little time between work and traveling around Israel - visiting old friends and relatives (but that's a pathetic excuse). Here is a preview about what i have been thinking/observing:
- all families are different
- a new appreciation for my mother
- old men and babies
- old men and loneliness vs. old women and loneliness
- the ramifications of different education level
- Mexican statues of fat women
- the story of Judith
- young men and commitment
- bad vibes from girlfriends
- the beauty of a kibbutz at sunset
- my sister getting officially engaged (wfew!)
- sadness of a country at war
- Medelsohn, helicopters, and the sunset
- office politics
- losing the ability to speak english, not learning enough hebrew to compensate
- and much, much, more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fa, want to know all of the above!
men+loneliness vs women+loneliness is a fascinating subject... can you write about your newly found appreciation for mum?..
+have you seen tetja Olya?

...too bad you've abandoned LJ, but i suppose to each her own :(