Tuesday, October 26, 2004


When i was in high school i found myself doing a lot of romantic stuff with my friends (no! not what it sounds like). What i mean to say is, there were certain times where one would experience extremely charged moments and what would be traditionally boyfriend/girlfriend setting was instead shared by one or two friends. Activities included long night car rides - surrounded by stars, the beautiful foliage or sunset that burnt permanently into my brain. Most of the time these experiences were accompanied by great music. (Music is the second best memory trigger, the first being smell).

Recently i've been listening to Sea Changes. And this triggered a memory from the past summer - it was with a guy friend (and now i'm confused if the friendly romantic moment is becoming a real romantic moment in my memory). Whatever, here is the memory: driving along a steep night road in Haifa - Beck sardonic voice swirling inside the insulated car, fog, diffused copper light swooshing by, and knowing this is exactly where i want to be.

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