Saturday, October 16, 2004

People See What They Want To See

I read two contrasting reviews of Team America, one from NYT by A.O. Scott and the other by Wesley Morris from the Boston Globe. While Scott goes out of the way to explain the satire as being more complex then left vs. right argument. Here is what Morris says:

"Team America" is a joke on the notion of American realpolitik and the international disdain toward it. I don't think its members are meant to besmirch the soldiers in the Middle East fighting the war. And that Paris sequence seems designed to make you wonder whether so many treasured sites would be blown up if the war were in France and not Iraq.
.....[blowing up celebrities] is a canny way for Parker and Stone to distinguish themselves from their peers. They're not limousine liberals; they're locker-room liberals: "Team America" is doused in mock testosterone ."

I think what the Paris sequence makes you think is that America has screwed up many times before but it's most of the time it has not done so out of malice but as genuine accidents, whereas the terrorist can't claim the same thing. Also his explanation of Stone's and Parker's politics is simplistic at best, it's not like they could be republicans - no they are "locker room liberals."

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