Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Saga Continues: Another Narcissist Post About My Name

Just for fun, while browsing at a local bookshop, i picked a copy of The Penguin Dictionary of First Names and looked for my name (wasn't there), then i looked up "Fanny." Quite interesting because now i know how the name Fanny came to be English slang for "vagina." Fanny is a diminutive form of such names as Frances, Euphenia, and (my favorite) Myfanwy. It became popular in the 17th century, and saw its decline in the 19th century. This decline was probably due to the name becoming slang for "bottom" or "backside" the dictionary notes (you think?). It goes on to write, the name's popularity probably also decreased due to a notorious murder of a little girl named Fanny Adams in 1860's. "Sweet Fanny Adams" became a euphemism to mean "nothing at all." Now, if you know your Elizabethan English, you recognize that "nothing" was a slang term for "vagina" - as in Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing is a clever way to say "a lot of hoopla over some pussy" (makes you glad i don't write poetry). So by putting the old euphemism of the word "nothing" meaning vagina and the new "euphemism" of Fanny meaning "nothing at all" you get "fanny," a slang term for vagina! I feel so clever (and a bit of a pevert for having posted three posts in a row containing words: vibrator, pornography, blowjob, and vagina).

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