Sunday, January 23, 2005

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow (Day Two)

First an admonishment for all those bloggers who got up so ealry on this snowy Sunday morning.
(Dead Serious 6:30 am? I know Michael Moore needs to be exposed as a hypocrite but this early in the morning?)
The day began slowly as i was mesmerized by the evil contraption also know as the internet. Then i was off to shovel 2 FEET of snow. It was fun for the first five minutes and then the pain set in. I put a dent in the dirty laundry pile. That fell nice until i ended cutting my finger (lots of blood). It's a dangerous chore, be warned.
In the evening i watched on my favorites, Kar Wai Wong's Chunking Express. (This where i would write a coherent review of the film, but blogspot just ate that bit so i present to you incoherent thoughts.) The movie is about two different policemen who fall in love. The movie is filled with beautiful images and metaphors, without being too abstract to lose the balanced mood or alienate the movie goers. Tony Leung (who i can watch for hours) is great, one of my favorite scenes involves his character consoling the inanimate objects in his apartment after his girlfriend leaves him.

[To a bar of soap] "You've lost a lot of weight - you need more self-confidence!"

There's a perfect balance of heartbreak and humor. The soundtrack is flawless (actually all of Kar Wai's soundtracks are worth getting). Do i sound like i'm gushing? Good. Because i am.
Then the night ended perfectly with me reading an announcement of no work for tomorrow. I love working for a University, snow days actually apply even as an adult. So for tomorrow: more films to watch and blogs to read!

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