Monday, January 24, 2005

Let It Snow, Let It Snow...(Ok, Make It Stop...Day 3)

So no work today for me. Instead of being productive like i planned i spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing, what is wrong with me? Here's a little re-cap of the none events in my day.
Woke up at 10 am - Big accomplishment, before noon.
Took a shower (hair and all) An even bigger accomplishment.
Ate oatmeal for breakfast. - Felt healthy.
Read in Discover magazine about all the useless body parts we still have. (Then stared for five minutes at my eyelids to check if i have a third one.)
Sat in front of the computer for two hours (oh look i made Dead Serious' quote of the week! hehe, oh look pointless celebrity gossip! oh how come my friends don't update their blogs more frequently?!, Defamer, random thoughts, man by blog is so lame next to all these people getting awarded...quitting this blog thing doesn't sound that bad...)
Ate (Not so healthy now.)
Watched parts of Olivier, Olivier (High brow French art flick aka good excuses not to feel guilty when you see a brother and a sister making out. )
Ate. One of the better things about living in Scotland is the discovery of Parsnips.
Went outside for five minutes and then quickly back inside. (It was still cold, duh.)
Looked at my messy room. (Thought about cleaning it, but then was lured by the evil glow of the computer.)
Tried to call a friend, phone off. (I'm feeling so loved.)
Reconsidered the whole bra post.
Tried hoola hooping. Man that was a fun exercise. (Record was three minutes, my ten year old self would have died in shame.)
Watched Underground. (Liked the film a lot, liked the music, made me want to learn about Yugoslavian history. It is a beautiful film about the absurdity of war. Has a scene early on with a woman washing herself while a man sticks a flower into her ass and smells it. Lyrical poetry my friends, lyrical poetry.)
Theorized on the idea of cool. (Something along the lines of if you don't try to be cool you'll become cool. But then it got confusing and i couldn't decide if i was jealous of some people or just thought of them as self important heartless bastards. But that's for another post).
Changed sheets, put on a clean nighty and got ready for sleep.

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