Sunday, February 27, 2005

I Would Rather Sleep

The Oscar are on tonight. In the past i have been known to record them and jump up and down energetically when i wanted someone to win. This year can't say i'm too excited. I actually gave up on the Oscars when Titanic won for best picture. I'm sure i'll watch the first monologue by Chris Rock but then turn it off. I went to bed late early and so sleep looks more inviting than the predictable winners and the coddled stars.

Some observations:
Did they have to pan to every black actor in the audience while Chris Rock was talking?
Beyonce, when singing, learn to stand still.
I still love Robin Williams.
I wanted Clive Owen to win.
It's annoying how the Oscars tend to give awards not for the actual performance but for a career of greats that has never been rewarded.
I hate how all the "lesser" nominees are hoarded on stage.
I need to check out The Pawnbroker.
Love that Scorsese cries. He and i can get together and be all emotional.
Sean Penn officially has no sense of humor.
Is that Billy Crudup in the Mastercard Commercial? Cause i find it hilarious.
Also, Barbara Streisand with the whole "I'm the most important person out here routine." Not cool. And the whole directing Hoffman and then forgetting her glasses. Bleh.
I forgot to comment on Selma Hayek's annoying speech. It's not a big deal when the Oscars nominate a Spanish song for the first and stop glamorizing and pandering to Che, at best he was a murderous thug.

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