Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I received this e-mail from my favorite boys at MIT:

That's right folks... Today we celebrate the great holiday of CINCO
DE MAYO... the commemoration of General Ignaclo Zaragoza's winning
the Battle of Pueble over the French who were desperately trying to
take over Mexico.

General Zaragiza's victory calls for massive celebration and chaos!!
Let us join, my brothers and sisters, and be happy that Mexico is not
French!! Let us be thankful that Anna's Taqueria doesn't serve
smelly cheese and wine!! Dienu. Let us be thankful that the cute
dog on TV says "Yo Quiro Taco Bell!" rather than "Je voudrais Taco
Bell!" Dienu. Let us be thankful for Mexico's drug trade with the
US. Without Mexican marijuana, Steer Roast could not have happened.

Ah, the mixing of cultures is this what America is all about?

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