Sunday, May 01, 2005

Shallow Lessons Learned This Weekend

* Listening to Kylie Minogue can make me feel better. (My gay friends were right. I am a gay man trapped in a girl's body)

* If you don't want go somewhere badly enough your body will make itself sick.

* Blogging on the weekend can be seen as uncool.

* Talking about blogging with non-blogging friends makes you doubly uncool.

* There something to be said about a watermelon. Mainly, it's the perfect snack food.

* Waking is better than sleeping. (Ok, I just stole that from a tv show, but it applies so well to my weekend i can't help but stealing it.)

* I miss having my own personal bathroom. ("two more weeks, two more weeks" mantra seems not to be helping)

* why do i even waste my time scribbling words down about my life when David Sedaris exists? favorite story from his latest efforts "Repeat After Me"

* no matter how sick a person is and how out of their mind, the insensitive remarks still hurt

* i cannot turn off my heart, but it would be nice to have an on/off switch from time to time

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