Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Celebrity Culture

I heard an interesting essay/review of Entourage on Fresh Air.The review slightly touched on the show which parodies the microcosm of celebrity culture, but more importantly explored how celeberties and the powerful experience the world. It kind of struck a nerve. This idea that celebrities are somehow above the everyday minutiae of life and this life style should be somehow not only admired but also strived for, makes me to say the least, annoyed. Often it amazes how clueless many celebrities are and how many people continue to admire them. Eating up their every word and actions, emulating their looks and opinions. Prime example at the moment is Tom Cruise (who is one of the examples in the review) - who offers such golden truths in this interview (via Israellycool) like comparing the criticism of Scientology criticism to a synagogue burning in France or denying that he ever encountered open criticism about the cult religion personally. The guy comes off as a bit creepy and intense. (And now he seems to have gotten poor Katie into the act.)
I'm tired of paying for celebrities lavished lifestyles - when was it decided that 20 million is an acceptable pay check for three months of bad acting? And why do i have to pay ten bucks (twelve in LA!) to further fatten their bank accounts?! Dammit it makes me mad - and this will conclude another pointless rant - aren't blogs wonderful? Just be grateful you didn't hear in person.

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