Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Got To Wonder...

There are times when life throws you little surreal moments and you're left just rolling with them. Last December, at a singles event i ran into my former, very- young math teacher. A bit awkward, but he was always one of those teachers that was "cool" with students. Some would say (me) that he tried a little too hard to come off as the understanding cool teacher, i didn't particularly like him or dislike him. Anyway, we see each other and politely acknowledge each others presence and move on. Towards the end of the evening i notice that he and his buddy are "dancing" near my girlfriends (one them also a former student of his). Somehow our groups get mixed up so there i am trying to pretend how not awkward it is to party it up with your intoxicated former teacher (and his very cute friend). We end up giving him a ride home. I never think about the incident again. Until today, when i receive a facebook. com invitation from him. Turns out the young-teacher is back at school for a PhD. So now i wonder what kind of social interactions does this facilitate? I mean technically i dated guys older than him and he is a student again. So do i treat him as a peer or as former teacher?

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