Sunday, May 14, 2006

Prefect Imperfection

I took this photo of my grandma tonight. It's not technically great but I like it nonetheless. Let's call it impressionism-inspired and leave at that. We were celebrating her birthday and as usual I was taking lots of random photos, annoying everyone with my version of "natural" photography. (In my terms Natural photography consists of observing a great moment, fumbling for my camera, missing the said moment by a few seconds and asking the participants (to their annoyance) to recreate it.)

In other news my sister, finally, got a professional haircut in what seems like ten years. Her hair looked very pretty, here are a few shots of the lovely new specimen.

(That's my other grandma in attendance and yes that's a must have Grey Goose bottle.)

(She wasn't sure about the length, but Max and I liked very much.)

Here's a photo of my younger cousin flashing me a James Bond look (although with puffed cheecks stuffed with chicken).

Sometimes living near your family is grand.

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