Monday, May 22, 2006

Trailer For Oliver Stone's World Trade Center

Saturday night at the movies I snarked that the film is probably another Stone's consipiracy theory type crap blaming 9/11 on Americans (and maybe Jews disguised as Zionist).
Fortunetely I read people who are sharper than me and provide the snark better - from Patsy Bluth:
I was all braced for depictions of thousands of Jewish workers staying home, or the CIA pressing the button, or something. I'm a little worried by the tagline: "The world saw evil that day. Two men saw....something else."

If two firefighters trapped under rubble suddenly start talking about how it was like, totally America's fault for being so mean, I'm going to have a cow.
The tag line also worries me a bit and so does the involvement of Maggie Gyllenhaal. Zooey Deschanel is ten times quirkier.

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