Monday, June 26, 2006

A Time Out

I've been meaning to write about all sorts of stuff this week, but never got to it. There are so many things I want to say and yet at the same time there is complete lack of desire to share them at the moment. Hopefully, this strange mood of mine will soon pass. I'm in the process of tying up loose ends and (attempting) at starting some new things. (It usually helps when I write that I won't blog for a while because right after that I seem to pick pace on the blogging.
As a filler I thought I'd share a few more photos from my sister's wedding.

This is probably my favorite shot of my mother, sister, and me. This is right before the huppah, unofficial moment during "official" photos.

Mother and son.

"Heya baby, can I buy you a drink?"

The calm before the [emotional] storm. My sister with our "niece" Nava.

My grandma, with her great-grandson. Another favorite shot.

A different point of view.

The actual ceremony under the huppah was really special. People read prayers in three languages (Russian, English, and Hebrew.)

The wedding was pretty high in energy.

My butt kept some how appearing in a lot photographs.

The Old-New Family.

M. and B.

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