Friday, July 21, 2006

Fred & Ginger

As a child I loved Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, I used to know lots of trivia about them and had watched every last movie they made together. I, like many others, was hypnotized by the intricate-yet-effortless-dance numbers and the chemistry between Astaire and Rogers although wasn't red hot however it had that appeal of a low amber kind of burn that attracted the pubescent me. These movies taught me what love and romance were all about - or at least made me wish for this zany, screwball comedy, dancing type of life. Check out Astaire's rendition of "Heaven" - I like the way he sings and I adore the song, one of the most mushiest yet best love songs. I miss dancing cheek to cheek....of course I never actually danced this way...but it sure seems like I did. I remember feeling all embarrassed liking Big Band music in my young teenage years, while girls in my camp bunk listened to Backstreet Boys or if they were "cool' Phish, I was secretly rewinding over and over Gershwin and Belin songs.

When I have a steady income I will purchase the DVD collection of their films. But until then I have YouTube to fill the void. The weird thing about YouTube clips is that they mostly have clips paired with totally different songs to the Astaire-Rogers dance numbers. Like this punk number which doesn't completely work, although I've seen this type of thing be very entertaining.

or this instrumental...I have this vague recollection that the music is from some movie with a cheesy sex scene does anyone know where the music is from?

P.S. This probably one of my favorite scenes in all their films. And the women's clothes aren't bad too.

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