* Lola considers becoming Jewish (sort of). Lola's blog is one of my favorites. Even though this posts contains a line about being spiritual more than religious - a personal pet peeve, it, like all of Lola's writing, is full of warmth, humor, and truth. Reading Lola is like sitting down with a intimate friend over a cup of tea, except that the friend is a great story teller and funny as hell. Plus she changed her blog to pale pink, a nice change from the green. And if you visit her make sure to click on some ads, the girls needs money for "college books."
* Patsy Bluth and Harvard - although, you know I didn't get into Harvard I shared some of the same aspiration at the beginning of college career, just to see those aspirations fly right out the window. Patsy is great not only because she loves Mark Steyn but because she (like Lola) tends to be on the flippant funny side, makes great recommendations for book selections, and makes observations about news trends in obesity coverage. Plus she likes Israel and hates terrorists.
*My sister sent me this incredible link. Look at all of them. Here are a few of my favorites. Stuff like this reminds me of how imaginative and exciting human beings can be.

* I love, love, love the new Joey Magazine. My favorite story this week was Carrot by Joey McKeown. He's writing is, to say the least, pretty impressive.
* I like everyone at Jewlicious, but sometimes I like Michael a tinsy bit more sometimes.
* Yaron started a new blog! And check the new business too (especially if you live in NYC and need some new digs.)
* On a political note - I love Ace's serious posts like this one. Yes he's funny, but the serious side is not half bad either. He hasn't been blogging much this week but hopeful when he gets his new computer he will at his pre-move blogging rate.
* There's a blogger party in NYC this weekend and I'm excited to see people I haven't met with in so long.
*Towel Monkey!

Stuff I've been thinking about:
I found out Steve Irwin died in the middle of the Sunday-Monday night, I had bad nightmares. I've been thinking about death lately, especially of people close to me and for some reason the news really hit me hard. I wasn't a fan of his shows but every time I saw him on TV he made me smile. Just thinking of his wife and kids makes me tear up.
Pretty much all people are racists to some extent. It's how you act on these impulses that matters. I'm sick of some people pretending they love everyone. No.You.Don't.Liar.
I'm so damn tired of Israel rolling over and kissing everyone's ass. Disproportionate force my ass. That's how people win wars, ass holes. Did America use too much disproportionate force in WW II? (Don't even mention the Atomic Bombs.) War is ugly, horrible thing but it seems excused if enough Israelis (aka Jews) die.
My mom went on a small vacation. In that period I got to have several very funny ( funny in that they were so sad and bizarre) conversations with my grandmother. Some highlights involve:
- Refusing to tell me over the phone that my cousin's birthday check needs to be sent out, insisting it this deep dark secret needed to be told in person.
- Not believing that my mother went away to Florida, claiming instead that she was in the hospital.
- Telling me within hearing distance who looks ugly, fat, too thin, too old as we pass relatives or people on the street.
- Congratulating me on gaining weight (which I have) as a good thing. The punim was too thin for my WW II surviving grandma.
And now I know where my anxiety/depression comes. Hooray...or not so much... for genes.
My mom also managed to quit her job for a better one. Telling one of her very wealthy clients that she could afford the three dollar hike for waxing with her millions and all. Not very tactful but very true. I really hate stingy rich people.
I haven't spoken to one of my closest friends in two months. We had a heated argument and she wanted me to say things I couldn't. It really saddens me and I don't know what to do about the whole mess. How do one say sorry when one doesn't mean it? (At least not yet.) Very sad.
I have been watching Project Runway lame but true. I want either Michael or Uli to win. I don't like Heidi. I'm glad Vincent finally left.
I've been reading Catch-22 and absolutely loving it. Even though mostly it takes me too very dark places, although I'm mostly chuckling as I'm reading it. I know it's known for it's dark satire. But some passages are written in this vivid language that I have to read over again.
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