Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bill Maher

Watching Bill Maher and the smug Ben Affleck (who is such a douche and totally clueless) tonight makes me want to get tickets for Bill Maher just so I can boo him and his asinine guests. The man hardly knows any facts and to add injury to insult he cannot be funny even if a joke/pun slapped him in the face. Man he sucks and his audience is even worse: the most lap dog response. I think it's time to turn off the tv....

An aside: Last week, in NYC, I came up to a "Free Palestine" protester to ask him a about how he feels about the persecution of women in Palestine, the senseless murders of suspected Israeli sympathizers, and the religious persecutions of Christians. Instead of answering he started telling me I don't know what he protests on other days. Not a real argument, just trying to shut me down I guess. I think what I did was childish, since there was no way I was going to really have an argument with the miusguided douche. But it felt good. The cool thing about the whole incident was seeing teenagers sitting next to the crazies, wearing a sweatshirt with Israel on it smiling and having fun. Best antidote to the idiots wanting to free some place called "Palestine."

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