Saturday, January 27, 2007

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

Gib tagged me and I feel I should not disappoint. I guess I'm honored.

A- available or single? - I'm with Gib on this -"Ummm, who wrote this thing where your two options are the same thing? Neither. "

B- best friend? Don't like the whole hierarchy thing of friends. Besides one is in Mexico, one is in NYC, and one I'm not talking to (sigh).

C- cake or pie? Pie.

D- drink of choice? - G&T, grapefruit juice, water.

E- essential item I use every day: - My computer. (So addicted.)

F- favorite color? - red, but it depends on my mood. I like white and brown as well.

G- gummy bears or gummy worms? Gummy bears. I like to eat the head first.

H- hometown? St. Petersberg, Russia and Brookline/Needham, MA

I- indulgence? Television. Sandwiches, tea, and books on cold, dark days. Blogs.

J- january or february? February

K- kids and names: Hypothetically - Tzodik, Isaac, Dina

L- life is incomplete without? Family. Dreams I dream at night.

M- marriage date: Come again later.

N- number of siblings: One older sister. She's my favorite.

O- oranges or apples? They both have drawbacks - apples are too mundane and oranges are too messy. But enjoy them both.

P- phobias or fears? The dark.

Q- favorite quote? There's the Life of Brian quote I have up.

For ideological reasons I like the falsely attributed quote by Churchill "If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."

Another one I like is "Sometimes smashing things is very pleasant." - Dostoevsky

"That really hurt! I'm gonna have a lump there, you idiot! Who throws a shoe? Honestly! You fight like a woman!" - Austin Powers

R- reasons to smile? My bed. Puns, especially bad ones.

S- season? Autumn in New England. Spring in Israel.

T- tag: Pretty Numbers, Bitter With Baggage, Isophorone

U- unknown fact about me: It's unknown for a reason.

V- vegetable you don’t like: It used to be celery but I have crossed to the dark side and started eating it. I guess brussle sprouts.

W- worst habit: Not being able to say what's really on my mind. Inability to manage time, I'm always late.

Y- your favorite food? Fried potatoes with garlic.

Z- zodiac? Aries.

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