Monday, February 26, 2007


In the past I have fawned over Ms. Hirsi Ali, so it was refreshing to see a clip of Bill Maher (via Hot Air) with her as a guest schooling a befuddled Steven Weber (why do actors even try?!) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who gave the spiel about how Muslims and Christians were living peacefully together until the Jews came in and caused them to be all extresmist (or something along those lines). Her rebuttal is just another fine example of how calm, clear, and knowledgeable Ms. Hirsi Ali is.
However, what most entertained me was the gut-splitting funny gag at the end of segment (around 1:10) where Maher's writers spoof an Al-Jezeera "Oscar Party". Maybe it was from being tired but I couldn't stop laughing last night, even after watching it twice.

"You liked The Good Shepherd! Not a single goat was penetrated! How is that a good shepherd?!"

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