Friday, May 04, 2007

Question and Answer

K_sera was kind enough (after my request) to ask me some questions. Here they are.

1) What are cloud games?
Cloud game is best played with no more than four people and it can be fun playing by yourself. It’s quite basic, you lie on your back and watch the clouds. If the clouds resemble something, typically an animal or bird you point it out and try to see if others see it too. Sometimes people can look at the same cloud and see two completely different things. It sounds boring but is quite wonderful to spend the time.

2) Favorite photo you've taken, what of?
I have several (is that cheating?):
There’s a photo I recently took of my mother and her mother. My grandmother looks genuinely happy, which was really rare for her.

The other photo is of a tree that’s right behind my building late at night.

3) Where would you be right at this moment if you had ten free hours, $1200 cash and one friend to be there with?
I would be in a Tuscan villa, with my friend Polina, drinking coffee and eating the best Mediterranean food, going bike riding/swimming, doing a little local exploring as well.
Italy because I always wanted to go there and hear it’s beautiful, has great weather, plus the food is incredible. Polina because I don’t see her nearly enough and I have the best conversations with her and I know she loves Italy.
I hope $1200 is enough. ;)

4) What is the most traumatic natural disaster you have ever lived through?
I lived through Hurrican Bob but that was more fun than traumatic. I was eight at the time and it seemed exciting rather than frightening.5) Are you doing what you love to do? If not, why not? If so, what is it?
I’m definitely not doing what I love. I’m figuring out what I love. I think my first love is history but I find it that rather useless. My second love is politics. So I’m trying to regroup and see where I fit in the grand scheme of things.

Thanks k_sera! That was fun.

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