Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Angelina Jolie Made Me Throw Up

No seriously, after reading this I upchucked. I know, it's not very classy to reveal this. Might be the bad pizza I ate, might be the stupidity of people coronating the brainless actress as Mother Teressa with a nice rack and luscious lips.

Not only does this wonder woman rescue children of all races- seriously the brownie points stack up when: you're adopting a black girl with AIDS (10 pts), Vietnamese boy (3 pts), give birth to a white baby (deduct 15 pts), calls biological baby a "blob" (add 4 pts), and the adopt another "ethnic" looking kid (7 pts)- she wears a CHEAP dress (only $26) to a premier! (Nevermind that her shoes, makeup, hair, upkeep cost more that my annual salary..these are just unimportant details.)

I mean at this point it is only safe to assume that this woman shits gold bricks.

Twenty-six smakaroos! Amazing.

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