Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy I'm Not A Canadian Citizen

Remember Ezra Levant's courageous and on the mark condemnation of the Canadian "Human Rights" Commission. He was being sued for publishing the Muhammad Cartoons, the guy who sued him, Richard Warman, is suing him again and other bloggers including Kathy Shaidle of five feet of fury and Kate McMillan of SmallDeadAnimals.

You might wonder who this douchebag, Richard Warman? Here's Levant's description of him:
....the former investigator for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, who quit the commission in 2004 to become the commission’s biggest customer. Approximately half of all complaints filed under the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s section 13 “idea crimes” provision have been filed by Warman. The CHRC has a 100% conviction rate under that section, and besides ordering the poor shleps Warman complains about to pay fines to the government, they’re often ordered to pay thousands of dollars to Warman himself, too, for his “hurt feelings”. Unlike the pay cheque he got when he used to work there, the cash he gets from commission fines is tax free.

A HUNDRED PERCENT CONVICTION RATE!? Even dictatorships usually pull out numbers like 98% or 99% just to seem a bit balanced when it comes to elections and trials.
The douche goes around intimidating Canadians and others (Mark Steyn), while being paid for it by Canadians taxpayers. Unbelievable.

The point of this post is to let you know that you can do something about it. I already donated a measly $20 bucks to Kathy and I plan to donate Kate as well. If the idea of people being persecuted for thoughts, nauseates you, as it does me, I suggest you donate to Levant and other bloggers as well.

Tip: Michelle Malkin

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