Monday, November 17, 2008

Sensitivity Headache

Just the other day I noticed a teaser ad for Motrin, something about feeling the pain of a mother. On one hand I don't like teaser campaigns because I'm curious and I like instant gratification, on the other hand I think it's a good marketing ploy because it plays on the curiosity and thus makes you remember the product. It seems that the Motrin ad has touched a nerve with some very sensitivite mothers. I don't see any problems with the ad, but I guess you can find anyone offended by anything in the internet age. The ad actually entertained me.

There is actually an advocacy group for wearing babies. Don't get me wrong, my sister, who is a new mom, swears by the wrap. My niece looks quite cute being carried around and my sister is seems quite comfortable. But aren't these offended mother's taking this a bit far? What happened to just ignoring an ad you don't like? They are reacting as though Motrin called on people to take away their children. Motrin took daown the ad, which I think is lame. This is like meeting the demands of a spoiled child, sometimes it's good to point out the insanity. All this hoopla makes me want to go out and buy some Motrin and get a twitter account.

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