Monday, May 04, 2009

I'm Thinking of Writing A Relationship/Dating Book

It will contain one piece of advice:

If you are not happy for at least 95% of the time in the relationship, you should split up. *

*Unless you have children. Then work on it as hard as possible to get it there - if you can.

Disclaimer: I'm not in any shape or form an expert on these things. Obviously, there's so much more to relationships/dating. However it took me such a long time to learn this simple truth. I've loved people who didn't make me happy and as hard as it was to not be with them, ultimately it would have been bad for both people to remain together. I feel like if everyone applied this standard a lot more people would be single, but at least more happy.

Also don't be like this guy. Guy should stop being such pussies and just ask the girl out. Seriously, in today's world it makes you look like Mr. Confident if you even attempt the first move. Also, I used to feel bad for guys who go the "friend" route - now, not so much. If you are attracted someone you only have yourself to blame if you put yourself in the friend category.

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