Monday, June 15, 2009

Iran Election Round Up

Iran: A Nation of Bloggers - highlights the difference between the people of Iran and the government. (Really well done except the begining where they compare Bush and the Pope to Castro and Ahmadinejad.)

IRAN: A Nation Of Bloggers from ayrakus on Vimeo.

Twitter has rescheduled their maintenance to accommodate the events in Iran.

12 Students killed in Iran, the aftermath at Tehran University of the savagery and destruction.

Obama's not so "clear" message of support. The Iranian people need to hear we are standing with them.

Obama is not giving the Iranians the credit that they are smart enough to know when the anti-American propaganda is being shoved down their throats, they are protesting because the know better Mr. President.
Also I still don't get this "tough diplomacy" and "diplomacy with no illusions" what is backing this "tough dialogue" - more talk. Also this statement upset me:
"I am troubled by the situation in Iran, and it would be wrong to remain silent." It's so self serving, like look at me I'm DOING THE RIGHT THING, at least that's how it strikes me.

I miss Bush in times like these.

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