Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Climategate Making A Difference?

Before Climategate:
Last year, while visiting family in San Francisco, I overheard a loud group of 30-somethings discussing, or rather ridiculing, the notion of not "believing" in global warming. In fact they were actually condemning a woman who had the misfortune of dating their great friend while being an (evil) Republican. I rolled my eyes several times.

Post Climategate:
This year, while visiting family in San Francisco, I overheard an old hippie talking to another about global warming. And while it still exists according to him, it's not necessarily all because of the evil humans, but might have to do something with sun.

I know it ancedotal, but if I'm hearing in, of all places, San Francisco (!) that "climate change" is something other than the strict Al Gore definition, then something is in the air and people are starting to notice that things aren't exactly adding up. Maybe Climategate is making a difference.

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