Thursday, August 06, 2009

Apples & Oranges

Email response to an Insty post about Democrats accusing anti-Obamacare protesters of astroturfing.
President Obama is asking all of his supporters via email to support his healthcare bill and respond to attacks upon it, an example of the dreaded phenomenon of “Astroturfing?” Doesn’t this mean that all support for Obamacare is now the product of a top-down mandate for activism? And doesn’t that delegitimize any support for health care “reform?”

Or, instead, is it legitimate, nay inspiring, when Democratic bigwigs organize support for liberal policy objectives, but illegitimate, even sickening, when Republican bigwigs organize opposition to such objectives?

Also, my brilliant and funny boyfriend (gagging yet?), has written a bunch of hilarious emails to the White House reporting on the "fishy" activity. Good thing he sent it from the library, under a fake account, otherwise he would be on the list. I did inform him that he is dating someone already on the list, Dawn has made sure of it.

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