Friday, September 25, 2009

Lets Talk Birth Control (Part 1)

I know, kind of a taboo topic, especially since I'm not a married lady and can't hide behind the euphemism of "trying or not trying to have a baby." Side note: I always found it funny how people would talk about couples "trying to have a baby" aka fucking. I guess it's not good to ask at a dinner party if the newlyweds are fucking like rabbits to make a little bunny, "trying" is more polite than "fucking" it would seem. So where was I? Oh yeah, birth control, it's kind of important and I feel people don't talk about it enough.

First of all I'm here to tell you that I absolutely HATE the pill. The pill is not your friend. And it's not because I'm lazy and forgetful, although I am. If the pill was the miracle pill the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies try to sell then I would be all for it. Alas, every doctor I have ever spoken to about birth control leaves one important detail out, and it's not the one about potentially getting cancer or stroke from the pill, which hello? warning signs! The little fact they forget to mention is that the pill works by making women NOT WANT TO HAVE SEX. Basically the reason why you aren't getting pregnant is because the pill has made the penis the least desirable object to be near you.

The way the pill works (please excuse my minimal medical understanding) is that it tricks the body into thinking the woman is pregnant. So you can see how this is a a bit of a problem. One takes the pill because they are horny individuals who don't feel the need to have kids, but who want to have as much sex as possible, but the pill makes them feel as though their bodies think they are pregnant 24/7. None of my doctors ever brought up this issue. I would be all psyched up to have a sex partner, start taking the pill and then lose most of my sex drive. Maybe it's my own experience, but sex sucked while I was on the pill. Most of the time I wanted to be doing anything else, cleaning my room, going food shopping, organizing my financial files, sex was just not something I looked forward to.

Coming up: Part Two, where I talk about awesomeness of diaphragms and the myth of condoms (they suck (no pun intended)).

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