Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Screw You Taxpayers! (Why Should I Bargain? Not My Money!)

I been watching a lot of Kids in the Hall videos lately, this one kind of resonated with me. Especially after watching this clip, where a plumber asks Obama about his taxes being raised under his tax plan, Obama responds that he plans to "spread the wealth." Seeing how forty percent of "taxpayers" don't pay taxes to begin with, his plan is to essentially redistribute wealth. Basically penalizing the most productive members of society and redistributing income to the less successful. As neo-neocon puts it: Equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.

Usually when people realize they are going to be taxed up the wazoo, the tend not to like it that much. Say when Harvard with it's huge endowment suddenly found itself with the possibility of being taxed by Massachusetts they suddenly started carping about penalizing success. Guess what Obama tax plan is going to do to people who own small businesses and are the backbone of the US economy - screw you taxpayer seems to be an apt sentiment when talking about Obama's tax plan.

Bonus: As usual neo-neocon has an excellent analysis of Obama as a "soft socialist." I also like the article she links to of characterizing one self on the Statists vs. Individualists continuum rather than Democrat vs. Republican. The reason I became more "conservative" was exactly because I this kind thinking.

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