Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tag or Meme or....

...Petitedov is too lazy to write anything of substance (after Wednesday, if anyone cares, this should change).

Seldom Sober tagged me with this peculiar meme . Here it goes:

1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.

My twenty third post is titled. I'm Back In The USSR

My sentence: The thirty hours of traveling weren't so bad, just a bit horrible.

I like to think this sentence highlights my writing style in general: bad grammar, poor logic, and too many italicized/all capital words to express exasperation or my sardonic "wit."

I kind of liked this meme since it lets people who started reading a blog medias res to see what the person was writing before and if they have changed. I find it if the blog is old enough you might just discover a whole different person than the one you come to know from recent posts.

I tag the usual suspects, specifically because i haven't read their blogs from the inception: Writersbloc (because this is another way not to feel guilty for not seeing her ever), Gib (i saw the inception of Montoya Awards...i wonder what else this man was up to), Murph (because he said he likes these things), Jessica (because someone needs to update more regularly, ahem), and Yaron (who although going soft at his old age still commands my respect).

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